Monday, September 25, 2006

Kuraman Island - Sand, Sea & a Dog

A friend posed for the view of sand banks behind her that stretched for more than 30 metres at Kuraman Island.

The walk back to the Kuraman Resort.

The Kuraman Island Resort boat Jetty.

The cute dog that greets everyone that steps one the Island. Posted by Picasa

Kuraman Island & Kuala Igan

The view of these two 85 horse-power Yamaha outboard engines reminds me of my days in Igan Bay (Kuala Igan).My dad was stationed in a rural hospital in a fishing village called Kampung Kuala Igan.My dad was there for 4 years and we joined him during scholl holidays.I love the sea from those days.I like how the water trails behind a fast boat.I was on my way to Kuraman Island, Labuan when I took the photo. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 16, 2006

2006 Merdeka Casualty

The best thing to do when you are high is go to sleep.Here we see another casualty of booze.Merdeka my friend....
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PS2 & new TV

Bought meself a new 21" TV and hook it up with my PS2. The room looks smaller and I had to look for a bigger room now. Need to bring in the Subwoofer to boost the bass next time. Posted by Picasa

Baton Rouge, Louisianna & Labuan

Henry fed Ashley...Betul Tak Hen?

Janet & the elder daughter, Alison

Friends from Louisiana, USA came to Labuan and we took them to sample all the local dishes here.We had a great time and they bar tendered at Veteran's Cafe. Got an LSU T-shirt from them. Well, Janet, Alison & Ashley, please make your way again to Labuan next time.
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Sins & Sinners

My vices are the beers & cigi and anything that goes with it.We all know excess kills and it is ok to indulge and spoil ourselves once in a while. Posted by Picasa

Miri Airport & Marijuana

I had this for my lunch at Miri Airport when I was on my way back to Labuan from Sibu.I had Chinese tea and a nice book called 'Marijuana Time' by Ken Lukowlak.The Kue Teow (pronounce as Koo-Way, Tea-Ou) noodles was great. Posted by Picasa

Sean & Serena with Grandpa

Sean & Serena with their Grandpa.Can't remember what Sean was putting in his mouth.My late mom said Serena looks like my wife when she was a baby.Cute lah tu. Posted by Picasa

EC Trust Football Club 2006

These are the guys who played for EC Trust FC. Left to right: Hen, Apek, Shah, Zane, Wynol, Franco & Saza. Our shirt are sponsored by Ubmro. Posted by Picasa

Sean & Serena Tahing

These are my cute niece and nephew, children of Boyd & Sharon. The girl on the left is Serena Hester & the boy on the right is Sean Hector. The girl is congek & the boy is congkek.Whatever that means. Posted by Picasa

Teh Si Special & Parkway Cigi

This was my drink & cigi when I was in Sibu.The Teh Si SPecial was brilliant culinary innovation. The Parkway cigi taste like Salem and it is hard to buy my brand if cigi when I am away from Labuan. Posted by Picasa

Old Movie Projector

I saw this old movie projector in one of the shopping complex in Sibu, my hometown. It is made in India.It looks huge and must be very hot & humid in the projector room. The shopping complex was a cinema before, I think it is called LIDO Cinema Complex. It is behind the old SMC Building & Multi Storey Car Park. Posted by Picasa

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